Endorsements are a way to show support of a candidate. Whether that be from an individual or a group. I am proud of the endorsements I have earned, and believe they provide a snapshot of the strong working relationships I have around the community. I am thankful to all of the local leaders and organizations who have taken the time to share their support for me. - Lindsay

North Carolina Association of Educators - Wake Chapter

North Carolina Association of Educators - Wake Chapter


Satish Garimella, Morrisville Town Council

Annie Drees, Holly Springs Town Council

Vickie Adamson, Wake County Commissioner

Tyler Swanson, Wake Board of Education District 9 & Student Achievement chair

Ed Gray - Apex Town Council, Retired United States Air Force officer

Matt Calabria Wake County Commissioner

Tara Waters, Wake County Commissioner

Chris Heagarty, Chair, Wake County Board of Education

Roxie Cash, Former Wake County School Board Member 2016 - 2022 & 1992 - 2000

Carissa Kohn-Johnson, Cary Town Council

Monika Johnson-Hostler - Vice Chair, Wake County Board of Education

Sam Hershey, Wake County Board of Education



North Carolina Association of Educators NCAE - Wake Chapter

NCAE is the longest serving educator advocacy group in North Carolina. The Wake Chapter of NCAE endorses Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County Board of Education District 8. NCAE membership includes WCPSS teachers, administrators, bus drivers, safety assistants, instructional assistants, child nutrition services staff & other positions that support our students.

Satish Garimella - Morrisville Town Council, Mayor Pro-Tem

Lindsay Mahaffey recognizes the importance of the relationship and collaboration between local government and our school district for the well-being of our community. I have witnessed her dedication to education through her ongoing involvement with students, families, and teachers, and she has put in considerable effort for her District and Wake County. With the significant growth in western Wake County, along with the establishment of new schools and student reassignment, Lindsay has consistently stayed informed and has been transparent with parents. I fully support her candidacy and urge the voters of District 8 to re-elect Lindsay Mahaffey to the school board.

Annie Drees - Holly Springs Town Council

Lindsay Mahaffey has demonstrated exceptional leadership in advancing the welfare of our children and schools. Her efforts have significantly benefited Wake County through enhancements such as increased support staff, improved compensation for teachers and bus drivers, the expansion of behavioral health programs in schools, and the push for greater school capacity right here in Southwestern Wake County. I fully endorse her re-election and encourage you to support Lindsay Mahaffey for the School Board.



Vickie Adamson - Wake County Commissioner

Lindsay continues to be a strong, thoughtful advocate. Lindsay’s focus is on academics and the educational experiences of all students; as well as about their safety, and social and emotional well-being. Lindsay works to provide a safe environment for everyone in the school building. I wholeheartedly support and endorse Lindsay Mahaffey’s re-election to the School Board.


Tyler Swanson, Wake County Board of Education member & Student Achievement Chair

I am proud to endorse Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County Schools District 8. Having served alongside her, I can attest to her exceptional dedication and deep institutional knowledge. Lindsay has been an outstanding champion for our district, always prioritizing the well-being and success of our students, teachers, and families. Her experience and understanding of the intricacies of our school system make her an invaluable leader. I wholeheartedly support her continued service and urge voters to re-elect Lindsay Mahaffey.


Ed Gray - Apex Town Council Mayor Pro-Tempore, Retired United States Air Force officer

Lindsay has shown time and time again that she is dedicated to improving our infrastructure, and resources for our Wake County Public School teachers, staff and students. Lindsay’s demonstrated
leadership over the years has shown me that she is the best choice for our children and will
continue to lead WCPSS into the future. It's clear Lindsay is running because she is interested in education – not politics.

Having the most capable and student-focused School Board is critically important
to me as the parent of a WCPSS student. I proudly endorse Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County
Public School Board! Join me in voting for Lindsay this fall. 

Wake County Democratic Party

The Wake County Democratic Party endorses Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County Board of Education District 8.


Matt Calabria - Wake County Commissioner

Lindsay Mahaffey is a strong advocate for what our kids need: great teachers, well-maintained facilities, and safe schools.  Under her proven leadership, the school system has strengthened its academic programs, and it’s added more counselors and nurses so that we can better address students’ health challenges.  I wholeheartedly endorse Lindsay for re-election and urge you to vote for her so that she can continue her important work.


Moms Demand Action - Gun Sense Candidate Distinction

Lindsay Mahaffey’s campaign has been awarded the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction. Thank you again for advocating for gun violence prevention and making a commitment to govern with gun safety in mind. This is not an endorsement, it is a signal to Moms Demand Action supporters, volunteers and voters across the country that Lindsay advocates for gun violence prevention and will govern with gun safety in mind.



Tara Waters - Wake County Commission & former Wake County Board of Education

I feel honored to endorse Lindsay Mahaffey based on my deep admiration and respect for her as an advocate and ally for families like mine that need extra support to succeed. Having served with her on the school board, I was able to witness her stand up for the needs of students and educators all across the district. Her roots as an educator and loving mother means she will center our children in the decision making process. Cast your vote for Lindsay this November and witness her passion for our schools.


Chris Heagarty, Chair - Wake County Board of Education

Lindsay Mahaffey‘s experience as a classroom teacher makes her an invaluable member of our board. She provides a critical perspective, as an educator, and as a mother of three, that leads us in making the best decisions for our children’s school experience. Please keep this important voice for parents and teachers on our board when you vote!

Roxie Cash, Former Wake County School Board Member

I have worked with Lindsay Mahaffey as my colleague while on the school board and continue to talk with her about school topics today. I respect her opinion and her willingness to always listen to what any person brings to her. Although we have some different political beliefs, we share the fact that children are a non-partisan topic. They are the purpose of why we care so deeply.  Lindsay has a student centered approach to her service.  She also has the institutional knowledge to make her the best candidate in order to continue to move forward in Wake County. These are some of my reasons to ask voters to re-elect  Lindsay Mahaffey for District 8.



Carissa Kohn-Johnson - Cary Town Council

I am proud to endorse Lindsay Mahaffey for our Wake County School Board. Lindsay's responsiveness, commitment, and in-depth understanding of the challenges and strengths of our public schools always impress me.  When she is re-elected, Lindsay will continue to contribute to producing well-rounded and capable students and continued success reflected in a record-high graduation rate in Wake County. Please cast your ballot for Lindsay Mahaffey this Fall so she can keep up the good work for our families.

Wake County Voter Education Coalition

The Wake County Voter Education Coalition has endorsed Lindsay's Campaign. formed in 1972 by Wake County legends, Senator Vernon Malone, Commissioner Harold Webb, Johnnie Farmer, Roland Chippey, and Commissioner James West - The WCVEC works toward the betterment of all Wake County citizens.

Equality North Carolina Action Fund Political Action Committee

Equality NC endorses Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County Board of Education, District 8. Equality North Carolina is the oldest statewide organization in the country dedicated to securing rights and protections for the LGBTQ community. Together, we can make a difference and build a more inclusive future!

Monika Johnson-Hostler - Vice Chair, Wake County Board of Education

I enthusiastically endorse Lindsay Mahaffey for re-election to the Wake County Board of Education. Having served alongside her for her tenure, I’ve witnessed her grow into a strong leader who deeply values the perspectives of both educators and parents. Lindsay’s experience as a teacher and a WCPSS parent informs her thoughtful decision-making, ensuring that she advocates for the needs of all students. Her commitment to excellence in education is unwavering, and she consistently seeks innovative solutions to improve our schools. I encourage the people of District 8 to support her continued leadership on the board.

Sam Hershey - Wake County Board of Education

I wholeheartedly endorse Lindsay Mahaffey for the Wake County Board of Education. She has extensive classroom experience and invaluable institutional knowledge that directly informs her decision-making. Lindsay's leadership skills have consistently fostered collaboration & innovation amongst board members and are focused on ensuring every student thrives. Her commitment to excellence and deep understanding of our education system make her the ideal candidate to drive positive change for our schools. If you live in District 8 be sure to re-elect Lindsay Mahaffey for the Wake County Board of Education.


In her eight years on the school board, Lindsay Mahaffey has proven herself as a strong advocate for students and teachers, successfully lobbying for the addition of eight new schools in her fast-growing district and the restoration of master’s pay for WCPSS staff. Mahaffey is a former teacher herself and the parent of three children enrolled in Wake County Public Schools. She brings those perspectives to the table in a thoughtful and compassionate way during conversations about student well-being and staff support. She’s a defender of public schools at a time when the state legislature wants to divert money away from them and into private school vouchers.

Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association

The Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association (RWCA) is a nonpartisan advocacy organization established in 1932. We advocate for public policy that positively affects people of color and underserved communities. RWCA’s goal is to empower Raleigh- Wake County residents to protect, encourage, educate, and support their civic, economic, social, educational, and political advancement.

Teamsters Local 391

Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County Schools is endorsed by the local Teamsters Union. Lindsay has worked to increase salaries for bus drivers and WCPSS staff during her 8 years on the school board.


The Muslim American Public Affairs Council endorses Lindsay Mahaffey for Wake County Schools District 8.